Outbursts of...eh..."poetry"

18 Apr 2008
They are ALL written by me. ;)


In my shallow core I lay
Never to rise again
As everything that's true and good
Seems to be taken from me

No sunshine can dry my bitter tears
No smell of summer air ease my pain
What once was vivid and full of joy
Now is nothing but numb and empty

From the star-filled face of the night's firmament I turn
Where my glance used to rest in happier times
And vanish in darkness that covers my mind
That refuses to come back to flourishing light

About all of this dullness can never be spoken
As no words in the world could capture its size
They call me the one who paid the price
They call me the poor, the lonely heartbroken


Car je l'amais je voulais plaisir à lui
Et parce que j'ai plu à lui, il m'a oublié